Scam Alert: Fake Holiday Deals
Security & Fraud
6 tips to protect your wallet from online shopping scams
During the holiday season, millions of shoppers hunt for the best deals at their favorite online retailers. Finding an item at a bargain price can feel like a major victory. Yet for some, that victory is short-lived once they realize they are the victim, not the victor.
Cyber criminals lure unsuspecting shoppers with extraordinary discounts, coupons, phony gift cards and other temptations, often posing as major retailers. Emails that look amazingly authentic contain links to bogus offers or fake store websites selling counterfeit goods. To get access to the “deal” or make the “purchase” shoppers provide personal information, credit card numbers, or click malicious links.
Here are some tips to help you avoid falling victim to shopping scams this holiday season so you can protect your finances and identity.
1. Too Good to Be True? Fraud Alert!
Cyber criminals will do just about anything to get you to make a purchase, including offering free gift cards or “designer” merchandise. It may seem basic, but the old adage holds true: If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Homeland Security officials warn that many popular items trending online are counterfeit. Be wary when purchasing electronics, jewelry and handbags online, and even in retail stores. Don’t be surprised that the $20 designer boots and bags are not the real deal.
2. Resist the Clicks
Scammers capitalize on a sense of urgency to get people to click. Many fraudulent offers play up seasonal specials and imitate mega retailers such as Amazon, Walmart, Target, and Apple. Choose deals wisely. And, think twice before clicking on an email or social media link.
Fraud prevention experts advise shoppers to head to the brand’s official website to buy authentic goods, if possible.
3. Fake Out the Fakers
Before clicking a link, hover over it with your mouse to reveal the destination address. This enables you to judge whether the web address seems authentic, or has an odd name or spelling (typical of a fake).
Suspicious web addresses may include a hyphen or the words “shop,” “official site,” or “secure” to attempt to appear legitimate. Some examples of phony websites include Amazonsecure-shop and Target-officialsite. Unfortunately, links on social media are often shortened, obscuring the destination. Be cautious when clicking those links.
4. Phony Confirmations
When you shop online, an order or delivery confirmation may arrive in your email inbox or text messages. The high volume of online orders during the holiday season presents opportunities for cyber criminals. Phony emails and texts claiming to be from FedEx or the U.S. Postal Service may state a package is undeliverable. The message directs the recipient to click a link (and provide sensitive information) or open an attachment (triggering a harmful computer intrusion).
5. Suspicious Website? Do a Quick Check.
When fraudsters create phony websites to engage in cybercrime, they may neglect a few details. Here are two easy things to check.
- First Impressions. A poorly designed website with urgent sales appeals and multiple pop-up windows may indicate an illegitimate retailer. Check for the HTTPS and lock symbol in your browser’s address bar.
- Look. If you suspect a website is fake, inspect the “About Us” page. Does the information provided match the business? Is the description overly generic? Does the text include errors? Do a little detective work and follow your gut.
6. Use Safe Purchase Methods
While there are regulations that protect you from liability for fraudulent credit card transactions, similar safeguards may not apply to debit cards. Unauthorized charges can potentially drain your funds, leaving you unable to cover other expenses.
Use your credit card for holiday shopping whenever possible and check your statements frequently. If you notice any fraudulent charges, notify your financial institution immediately.
Be a savvy and safe shopper. Exalt in the joy of landing an extraordinary deal. Just be sure to avoid the traps laid by scammers.